On the 30th August 2019, Allambi Care was proud to host a ‘Wear it Purple’ morning tea, to show our support of LGBTIQ youth within Allambi, and the wider community.
Wear it Purple is a global event that celebrates diversity and inclusivity and aims to ensure that young people feel supported, safe and empowered to be their authentic self.
Wear it Purple was founded in 2010 after stories of young people experiencing harassment and bullying as a result of identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Transgender, Intersex, or Queer, became the focus of the international the media.
This is a day celebrated by many organisations and services throughout the country, who like Allambi Care, seek to create a safer world for our children and young people to live in.
Wear it purple day aims to be the largest anti-bullying campaign in the world that seeks to elicit hope and optimism from rainbow young people, and Allambi Care is proud to stand as an ally and show our support of such a worthwhile event.
Allambi care’s philosophy and commitment towards supporting young people reach their full potential sits in line with the vision of Wear it Purple because we to believe, that every young person should feel recognised, loved, supported, acknowledged and proud of themselves.
For more information on how you can help, please visit https://www.wearitpurple.org/.