Allambi Care recently held the official registration day for the ‘Children’s University’, a program run through Newcastle Uni and local schools. This year the program opened up to five NGOs in the Hunter as a pilot program. Allambi has been lucky enough to be one of the five NGOs selected.
Children's University Newcastle encourages children between the ages of 7 and 14 to be curious learners by participating in validated activities beyond the school curriculum. The program is designed to engage children in learning in its broadest sense and to provide the scaffolding for children to develop self-efficacy, confidence and an appreciation of learning outside of the school classroom. The program aims to promote the fun in learning through hands on activities and interests outside of the classroom and linking community activities to everyday learning. Participants are provided with a Children’s University Passport and are provided with a stamp for every hour they engage in community activities, such as soccer training, visiting the local library, art gallery, museum, music lessons, the list is endless.
The registration day was held on site in the Learning Centre, in which 11 young people from Allambi entered. In addition to this there were young people from the five other NGOs in attendance, with 25 children on site. The participants were provided with 6 activities to rotate through over a period of 2.5 hours. This included the wonderful James from the Allambi Café conducting a cake decorating activity and Scott and Shelley, the LC Teachers, engaging the children in footy skills in the auditorium, three Uni students holding activities on bridge building, computer programming on Ipads, skateboard designs and an OT from Vision Australia who came with a retired Guide Dog to talk about the role of Guide Dogs. The night was a great success. We would like to thank everyone who participated. The director of the Children's University Australia will visit Allambi Care next week to discuss the success of the program.