
Partnerships have been at the heart of what Allambi Care does every day since it was established in 1981. 

These partnerships have enabled us to create an organisation that supports about 2,000 people in our region every day through services that include foster care, helping young people connect with their communities and programs that help keep families together. 

It is this same philosophy that delivered another partnership that we hope will not only help us reduce our environmental footprint, but will also champion an option for many others in our region to do the same.

A few months ago, we started working with the team in the City of Lake Macquarie about our desire as an organisation to use innovations in renewable energy. 

The result was the opportunity for Allambi to tap-into a partnership that Council was establishing with an energy cooperative creating a first for the Hunter region.

Allambi in association with Lake Macquarie City Council and a member-owned solar technology company called Pingala, are now working with around 200 other stakeholders from the local community to co-fund solar panel infrastructure that will ultimately provide an environmentally friendly energy option while an ongoing benefit to investors. Allambi will pay for the electricity the new solar panel system produces and the community investors will receive a dividend for their investment. 

As an organisation that exists to support our community we are always looking for opportunities to reduce our costs, but in 2019 that is also about treading a little more carefully within our environment. 

The initiative fits well with our commitment to being a modern and sustainable organisation and reducing its energy footprint.

We consider this partnership a good model that demonstrates how our region’s local businesses and residents can partner with local government to contribute to deliver smart and sustainable solutions. 

If you would like to find out more, please visit allambicare.org.au/solar

Simon Walsh, CEO