

What is your name and job title?

My name is Will Soe and I'm an Allambi on-call officer.


How did you fend off cabin fever during isolation?

Well, me and Tegan were meant to get married in two months, and we obviously couldn't with this going on. I think the restriction to weddings went down to ten to five and being Polynesian our families are massive.

So then, yeah we postponed it and we turned the money we had saved over to renovations. Did a bit of gardening at the front garden, we sorted the weeds out like they're pretty long, and we painted our house inside, just the whole interior.


What do you love about your job? 

Thing I love about my job is seeing the progressions not only as in the clients progression, but also as are the youth workers, supporting them over the phone and especially going out to incidents and giving them little tweaks on strategies to use with our young persons, and just to seeing them progress from there.


What has the experience taught you about the Allambi Care team?

Everyone's been great, from the CEO Simon, all the way to youth workers themselves, everyone's definitely stepped up to the plate. 

I couldn't be more thankful, we've minimized our sick calls and all of the teams caring nature towards the clients has been great on top of making sure that they're following COVID-19 protocol.

So it's been awesome.