
Steve - 1 (1)

What is your name and job title?

My name's Steve Graham and I'm the Director of Partnerships, Engagement and Innovation. 

Steve - 2 (1)

How did you fend off cabin fever during isolation?

To fend off cabin fever, I've been really enjoying my hobbies. I collect 80s skate gear, so I've been building, pulling apart, stripping down 80s skateboards.

I spend a lot of time on my mountain bike. Where I live, there's a lot of really good fire trails and bush, so I've been spending some time out there.

Spending time with the kids has been really, really great. There's some little things like having fires in the backyard and cooking pancakes that has been a really nice way to spend this time.

Steve - 5 (1)

What was the most challenging part about working from home?

Working from home, I've had to be really deliberate with my routine. I'm a routine kind of guy. I like to have my day mapped out and working from home has been a lot more flexible

I've just had to make sure that I have balanced doing what I have to do with the distractions of the things that I love that are around me. 

Steve - 4 (1)

What has the experience taught you about the Allambi Care team?

What this time has taught me about the Allambi Care team is that even though we are all isolated and working from home, we're still smashing our outcomes.

We're still providing this awesome care for clients and I've seen a real energy from my teammates about overcoming the change.

We've stayed absolutely focused on delivering good service and care to our clients, looking after our staff, but we've just been doing that in a different way, which has been fun.

I guess the biggest thing that I've learned is that the team, doesn't matter what gets thrown at us, we still take it on with heaps of energy and we enjoy what we do.