

At Allambi Care, we believe in creating opportunities for the children and young people in our care to experience the world in new and exciting ways. Recently, one such opportunity turned into an unforgettable adventure for Charlie, a young person in our care, who had never been camping but dreamed of it more than anything.

Enter Cindy, our awesome youth worker from Northern NSW. Known for her incredible ability to connect with young people and her unwavering commitment, Cindy stepped up to make Charlie’s dream a reality. Despite the challenges posed by the unpredictable weather, Cindy was determined to ensure that the camping trip would happen and be a memorable experience for Charlie.

Helen Hanslow, a Case Worker from the Alstonville Office, shared, “Cindy spent a great deal of her own time and personal equipment preparing for Charlie’s camping experience. The weather had been miserable, and rain was forecasted for their camping trip. But Cindy wasn’t phased. In fact, during her preparations, she sent me a photo of a battery-powered projector she had sourced and said she “had even packed the stars in case it rained!””

Charlie’s excitement was evident from the moment they set out, walking from his house with his head lamp on. From cooking on the camp oven to enjoying the warmth of the campfire at night, Charlie was in his element. He discovered a knack for mud crabbing and fishing, and his headlamp was a constant companion as he explored the surroundings with a sense of adventure. One of the highlights for Charlie was using binoculars, which he absolutely loved - something we might just have to keep in mind for Christmas!

Reflecting on the trip, Lindsay Fish, Director of Northern, emphasised the importance of providing such experiences: “It’s crucial that we listen to the young people in our care and understand their desires and needs. These opportunities are more than just activities; they’re life-changing experiences that help build confidence and create lasting memories. At Allambi Care, we’re committed to making sure every young person feels heard and supported.”

Lindsay also praised Cindy’s dedication and the vital role of youth workers in the organisation. “Cindy is a shining example of the kind of relationships our youth workers build with the young people in our care. She truly takes the time to listen, connect, and go above and beyond to make sure they feel valued and supported. We’re incredibly fortunate at Northern to have many dedicated youth workers like Cindy who are making a real difference in the lives of young people.”

Cindy has been with the Alstonville Office for many years and transitioned to Allambi Care. Her dedication and creativity in organising this camping trip not only fulfilled Charlie’s greatest wish but also highlighted the exceptional care and commitment that our youth workers bring to their roles every day.
