
Around the world communities and cultures came together in June to celebrate PRIDE. The origins of PRIDE stem back to the 1969 Stonewall protests in New York city and the subsequent 1970 Liberation Parade that marked the anniversary of the protests. For the LGBTQI+ community these significant days were a catalyst for change in the civil rights movement and a significant step forwards in the fight for equality, dignity, justice, visibility, and respect.

In Australia we celebrated during the month of June with the Sydney PRIDE festival, Katherine PRIDE festival, Cairns Queer Film Festival, RISING Melbourne, Melbourne and Adelaide Cabaret Festival, and TasPride Queens Ball.

To celebrate PRIDE month at Allambi Care, our Sexuality and Gender inclusivity and Diversity Committee developed and launched our very own intranet page https://allambicare.sharepoint.com/sites/sgidc .This page contains the committee charter, referral form and a variety of resources that staff may find helpful in their day-to-day work.

The committee can provide assistance, training, resources and help answer any questions you may have. To contact them you can email the Sexuality and Gender Inclusivity & Diversity Committee at IDC@allambicare.org.au, get in contact with your Case Worker or submit a referral to the committee.

Rainbow Flag Allambi



For details on PRIDE celebrations that occur throughout the year you can visit http://australianpridenetwork.com.au/lgbtiq-festivals/

Or for events happening in our local area visit https://newcastlepride.com.au/