Hello, who are you and where are you from? Tell us some amazing fact about yourself!
I’m Jessie, I’m originally from Newcastle, but I’m now located in Melbourne, Victoria. My first car was a 1971 Super bug, that I bought when I was 15 for $600 from the wreckers and spent a year restoring it with my dad.
Tell us what you do then!
My primary role at Allambi Care is People, Support and Culture Officer, however I work in the On-call space on weekends, and I am also a workplace trainer in Victoria for Allambi.
I am a qualified Trainer and Assessor, in Victoria for Allambi staff, I train the mandatory top up units, Policy and Procedure training, Needs Based Restorative Framework training and TCI.
How did you end up here?
I started working with Allambi ten years ago as a Youth Worker. Over the years I have worked in various roles, across different departments, progressing and developing my skill set which has led me to the position I am in today.
What makes you hop out of bed each morning, with a smile on your face, knowing you are coming to work?
I genuinely love my job, and all facets of my roles and the people I work with. What I enjoy about my roles, is that I can assist in supporting and developing staff and support the young people we care for.
Where would you like to travel and why?
I would like to travel to America and Europe, I had a trip booked, but it was cancelled during Covid.
Which piece of advice given to you, have you managed to stick to in life?
You can’t change the world. You can change a person’s world. The more people you help, the more world's you’ve changed