The Teacher role at Allambi is unique compared to other teaching positions. Can you tell us what it means to you? It is certainly a unique role, which is why I believe it is such a great role. We have the ability and are encouraged to make what we do client-focused, meaning we can aim to do what is best for each individual. We know there are gaps in education and in some systems trying to fill these gaps means working against the grain. This role isn’t like that, if there is something identified we are given the time and resources to help.
Tell us what made you become a teacher? I have always loved learning and have been lucky to have some great teachers who have shown me that education can be fun and exciting. I believe education can be empowering and help people to develop a deeper understanding of their world and ultimately themselves.
So many of our young people admire you and want you to be their teacher! Can you tell us how you make those connections and form such positive relationships? I think it’s really important to just take the time to get to know them without having too much of an agenda. Each student I have had has been so unique and interesting, they’ve really made it easy for me. I’ve learnt so much from them about sport, music, TV shows, animals, taking the time to learn about what’s important to them and building this into your day-to-day conversation and lessons creates a really positive environment for them to learn in. I think consistency and reliability is what everyone needs to feel supported and it’s the same for our student’s.
Can you tell us about an achievement you have had with a student? I think every day in the Learning Centre there is an achievement. Sometimes they are small and sometimes they are big, but it is important to see every one of them and acknowledge how they make a difference. We had one of our students enrol into TAFE and successfully complete his Certificate II, which was a huge accomplishment. A lot of our work with him was spent on really building his confidence, showing him that he had what it takes and getting him to start believing it too.
What does a normal school day look like at the Allambi Learning Centre? Each day encompasses the same elements (Move, Brain Boost, Learn, Brain Breather and Free Time/Replay). However, there is always something in the day that adds some excitement such as cooking, art projects or even a visit from one of our student’s chickens (Popcorn). Once a week the students and Teachers engage in ‘Circle Time’. This is an opportunity to get out of the regular classroom context and out into the community to develop new skills, step outside of our comfort zones and create strong connections with the students.
If someone were thinking about joining the education team, are there any words of wisdom you would like to pass on? I have two pieces of advice. Firstly, take the small wins and let yourself enjoy them. Some days, weeks or months are harder than others but keeping in mind the work you are doing and the small wins along the way really helps to see the bigger picture. Secondly, don’t be afraid to live outside of the box. We do a lot of creative, alternative teaching in the Learning Centre and we have a wonderful support from the wider Allambi community. The only limitations we have are the ones we place on ourselves, so definitely don’t be afraid to use your imagination.
Apparently you’re the fastest Go-Karts-Go driver amongst the students and staff. Are there any activities you’re not good at? There is some tough competition out on the track! When it comes to bowling though there is no competition, I am just hopeless. I think my last score was in the low 20s and that was a good game for me.
Last one….What TV/Movie character do you most relate to?Leslie Knope from Parks and Rec. I think she always tries to do what she thinks is best for those around her. Sometimes it’s a bit misguided but always with the best intentions. I am also oddly intense about organisation.