Recently Allambi Care staff formed a touch football team and answered the challenge of playing the ‘Hunters’ in a big game day.
AASC All Abilities Sports Coaching provides specialised training and game sense sessions for people living with a disability.
AASC supports all people to experience and participate in sport and to enjoy the camaraderie, and the highs and lows of sport in an inclusive way. The Allambi team joined the Hunters for a friendly competition, with the day ending decidedly even. Hunters ahead by a try in B Grade, a fight back by Allambi to get up by a try in the A grade game. At the end of the day, Sport was the winner. The Allambi team did well against such a highly touted Hunter outfit.
It was a fantastic opportunity for Allambi to provide some friendship and support to the sporting endeavours of the Hunters - AASC. We look forward to the upcoming cricket match!
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