Music has been shown to support and contribute to the overall wellbeing of children. Music is one of the few activities that involves the use of both sides of the brain, which stimulates creativity, maximises learning and the retention of information. Music connects with children on every level, from the physical to the emotional and intellectual, engaging the whole brain.
Physical Wellbeing: Music encourages physical activity and reduces muscle tension in children.Studies have shown that listening to music stimulates feel-good hormones and boosts immunity by lowering levels of cortisol and increasing immune cell types used to attack infections.
Emotional Wellbeing: Music can have a calming effect. It can reduce children’s negative emotions and uplift their spirits. The song lyrics can function as positive affirmations (if you’re happy and you know it,
clap your hands).
Social Wellbeing: Music makes it easier for children to participate in teamwork and helps to embed social skills. Studies have shown that it can help to build self- confidence and increase self-esteem.
Practical tips for helping to support children’s wellbeing with music:- Play music every day. Play all different kinds of music and talk to children about how they feel before and after listening. Discuss how some songs make us feel happy, sad or excited. Consider the difference between songs – were there a lot of words that had an impact or was it the tempo of a classical piece that appealed to them.