ASH: What is it?
So, I’ve heard about this ASH. What is it? I thought it was our PS&C Ash you were talking about!
Yes, Ashleigh does work in PS&C, however, it does not relate to her. It’s the Allambi Support Hub and it’s there to help you, the Support Worker out in the front line! You seem to be an educated person so you would have heard of the library in Alexandria, Egypt? It had over 400,000 scrolls on basically everything and anything in the world at that time, until its destruction in 297AD. So, if you wanted to learn something you just pottered around this great library. That’s what ASH is all about: an organic living and learning experience where you get to potter online.
[Ancient Support Worker looking for TCI information: 12AD]
So, ASH contains scrolls of wisdom from thousands of years ago?
Umm, nope, it’s better than that! ASH is jam-packed with knowledge you didn’t know you needed! It’s oozing hints and tips, videos from current staff – what to do and what NOT to do – it has loads of Support Worker Guides as well as quick and easy courses where you can sit top of the class with your new-found knowledge. If you want to up-skill yourself, then ASH is the perfect place to go! Want to be the best Support Worker you can possibly be? Then jump into ASH! And what’s best? It’s FREE!!
Excellent language, you are learning already! All you need to do is access Allambi’s intranet on the care home laptop and you will see the tile below on the main page. Click on this and you can then choose what you want to learn!
If you are after Support Worker Guides or you need to brush up on some core skills then ASH is the place to go.
Good question! So, a young person makes a disclosure to you, can you recall what Adrian told you on day one of your induction?
Not really, I think that was about 18 months ago. I don’t even know when I started!
Exactly! and no one expects you to have memory recall that good. So, a client makes a disclosure, all you need to do is jump on ASH, click on the Support Worker Guides and Education graphic then locate this unit:
Excuse me! I’m a House Manager and I’ve noticed some of the new Support Workers aren’t quite getting their day notes right. Can ASH help me with this?
Of course! We know how busy it is at times, running the care homes and making sure everything is running smoothly. So, if you have a new Support Worker, we suggest showing them how the Intranet works and then navigating them to the Report Writing course! Easy as!
We Need You!
What you can see above are just some of the mini-educational courses we currently have on ASH. What we would love for you to do is work out where we could be missing vital information that multiple Support Workers are not getting quite right.
Then all you need to do is let us know and we will sit down with our Think Tank crew (made up of PS&C, Learning & Development and frontline staff) and devise the best way to create the specific missing information and in the best medium available.
This is very easy to do: All you need to do is click Contacts & Support (as shown below) and navigate to click the form.
Here we just ask that you provide as much information as possible, so we can share and discuss it with the team and then work out how we can help.
ASH has been created for all Allambi staff and we welcome all feedback as to how we can make your lives that little bit easier in such a difficult yet rewarding role.
Let everyone know ASH is here to help! So is Ashleigh too!