Allambi Internal Blog

NSW Training Awards 2022

Written by Allambi | Apr 22, 2022 6:44:00 AM

We are excited to announce our nominees for the NSW Training Awards 2022.

Claire Walker, an incredible Caseworker in our Youth Hope program has been nominated as she is a true reflection of what VET Student of the Year represents. Claire has an ability to draw people in with her genuine resilience, which comes from her desire to enhance the lives of people she interacts with. While Claire had initial hesitations about further study, her openness about her learning style, her plans to receive feedback and seek out support when needed is a testament to the professionalism she possesses.

Julee Kennedy, one of our wonderful Learning and Development Trainers displays the inherent qualities and traits of an exceptional VET Trainer of innovation, support, student focus and, importantly, she achieves desired outcomes. Julee oversees the Diploma pathway which continues to grow, enhancing staff knowledge and skills and client outcomes. Juleeā€™s frontline experience, exposure and understanding of VET study is where we have seen Julee transition from a colleague to a leader.

Congratulations Claire and Julee on your nominations!