Allambi Internal Blog


Written by Allambi | May 31, 2022 2:35:01 AM

Allambi Care recognises IDAHOBIT day (International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia and Transphobia,) and celebrate our LGBTQI+ young people, colleagues, communities, and all those who identify as being part of the community.

We stand in solidarity against discrimination and prejudice, and work towards creating a more just community where the families and young people we care for are treated equally and with respect, regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation.

Allambi Care are aware of the additional challenges and disadvantage that is experienced by the LGBTQI+ children and young people in our care, and in response we are moving forward with initiatives championed by the Inclusivity and Diversity Committee.

We are currently focused on providing educational opportunities for staff and carers, making improvements in the way we collect data and document information and being proudly visible in our support of the community.

On IDAHOBIT Day everyone was encouraged to wear something colourful or rainbow-themed, send a supportive message to a friend or loved one who identifies as LGBTQI+, access websites, literature or research about our rainbow community and start a conversation to spread the message of acceptance.

#IDAHOBIT2022 #AllambiCare #United