Allambi Internal Blog

Foster Care Update

Written by Allambi | May 31, 2022 7:04:32 AM


Congratulations and thanks to Janine Tunny, who celebrates her first anniversary of caring on 24th June!


Ongoing Training is back

We have scheduled the first ongoing training day for 2022. Please save Wednesday 10th August 2022 to your calendar as we would love to see you there.

Seher Suhail and Trisha Hanrahan will be presenting Wellbeing training for Carers. The training will be aimed at helping our wonderful foster carers feel their best so they are able to continue doing the amazing work they do with children/young people. All strategies that will be discussed are evidence and research based. See the attached flyer for more information.

Venue: Ignite Auditorium, Allambi Care                  

Time: 10am to 1pm                                                   

Details: Morning tea and lunch provided                     

Wellbeing Training Flyer



My Forever Family Events

JUN 1 10am Online: Introduction to Trauma

Information for carers about children and adolescents who have experienced trauma.

JUN 7 – 10am Online: Understanding Emotional Regulation            

Assisted regulation, formerly known as co-regulation, allows children to learn how to effectively self-regulate independently.

JUN 14 – 10am Online: Understanding Autism

This webinar will provide an introduction to autism. Its signs, its causes and strategies to deal with common behaviours expressed by children with autism.

JUN 15 – 10am Online: Positive Behaviour Support

A training session that looks at the principles of positive behaviour support for children in care.  

JUN 21 – 10am Online: Surviving Placement Breakdown                              

Join us for a 1hr webinar where we'll look at how to best support yourself, your family and your children in care when placements break down.

JUN 22 – 10am to 2pm Newcastle: The Teen Years - What to Expect

This 4-hour training course aims to teach carers about the growth and development you can see in teenagers who might have experienced trauma.

JUN 23 7.30pm Online: Inclusivity - Sexuality & Gender diversity       

This training is for foster carers, those working in the OOHC sector, and those with an interest in trauma-informed sexual health conversations.

JUN 29 10am to 2pm Newcastle: Navigating the NDIS for Carers     

This event acknowledges that carers are often one of the greatest advocates for people with a disability, and are there providing emotional and practical support.

For more information please contact:


Meet Jolanta Czerwonka

Jolanta has recently joined the Foster Care team as a Case Worker.

What are you most excited about in relation to your job this year? 

Getting to know clients and their Carers and helping them to the best of their ability.

What is one important skill every person should have?

Communication and teamwork go hand in hand.

What is your favourite thing to do by yourself?

Ride my motorcycle and feel the wind in my face. 😊

Are you a cat or dog person?

Both, however, I currently have a very naughty cat called ‘Jasper’ (He likes to climb roofs just before I have to go to work lol, been up the ladder twice this week!)

What’s your favourite food?

A Polish dish called Pierogi.



Looking for your next read? The book review for this month is on Rising Strong by Brené Brown.

It was during a supervision meeting that my manager, Kirsty McGrorey, asked me what books were on my list to read and review. As I rattled off a number of books not committing to any, I could tell that Kirsty was genuinely interested. I was in heaven as we discussed some really interesting books each of us had read.  I am late to the party with regards to one author that came up in our conversation. I said that I really wanted to read one of her books but was undecided to review them. However, discussing the author, we both lived out this Zoolander scene:

If you don’t know Brené Brown, she's an acclaimed Social Science researcher specialising in shame, and many of her clips are used in training at Allambi. My first outing into her work is Brené’s fourth book, Rising Strong, and I can see why her books are so popular. It is an extremely easy read whereby she uses meaningful stories of personal experiences to get her point across in a humble, relatable manner.

Underpinning Brené’s writing is her belief that children, young people, and adults need and desire Belonging, Love, and Connection which aligns with Allambi's principles. What made me decide to recommend this book is one question Brené explores amongst many. That question is: 

“Do you believe that other people are doing the best they can?”  

Ultimately this book review is asking you the same question. Your answer is likely to be reflected in Brené’s own research results, discussed in the book.

I am recommending this book because I am hoping, regardless of your answer to that question, this book will create a change in your perspective in how we care for the children entrusted to our care, and all other relationships. Including the one with yourself.

Rising Strong is dirt cheap and is available through all major outlets ,including those online. Brené is so popular that I have no doubt you can borrow Rising Strong from your local library, but you may have to wait a bit. If you like this book or others I have recommended or would like to recommend one that you have read, please feel free to share that with me, as I love reading.

Thank you!

Reviewed by Scott Handlin