Allambi Internal Blog

Foster Care August Update

Written by Allambi | Aug 30, 2022 12:09:27 AM

Hunter Interagency Foster & Kinship Care Week Picnic 2022

The 2022 picnic will be held at the ‘Park on the Hill’, University of Newcastle, Callaghan Campus. We need to know numbers so please RSVP by SMS to 0478 122 977 or let your Case Worker know.                                              Important: Parking requires payment


Congratulations & Thank you to the following Carers on their First Anniversary of caring 

Taylah Tudehope & Sean Glachan


The return of Ongoing Training

Moving forward from the turmoil of the recent pandemic Fostering & Permanency held their first Ongoing Training in over 12 months. Numbers had to be limited and testing was conducted prior to admission but that did not stop 25 very excited and engaged carers and staff attending. Needless to say, Seher and Trisha set the atmosphere with mood lighting and candles on the table before delivering an extremely informative session focusing on personal wellbeing. 

Speaking after training with a couple of carers, the sentiment that it was good to be back was most definitely shared. Danielle Brock framed it beautifully saying, “It is so nice to have training back in person because connecting with other carers is a very important part of the caring experience.” Other thoughts on training from a long-time regular attendee Anne Wheeler who put it succinctly saying, “I like how this one was focused on the carers and how we can look after ourselves. It was a good start to training coming back.”

If you would like to know more from the session or get involved in future Ongoing Training sessions in 2022, please email


Best local fishing spots for kids  

The weather is turning to warmer spring temperatures so why not try these fishing spots with the kids…

Murrays Beach

Located in Eastern Lake Macquarie, Murrays Beach has plenty of fishing spots that are easy to access and safe for kids. The Jetty is your best bet and provides plenty of room to set up and cast a few lines. You can also try fishing from the lake shore but be prepared for plenty of snags due to the weed. Murray’s Beach can get busy on a nice day so arriving earlier in the morning will give you time to get settled. There is also a boat ramp if you have a boat and want to launch it.

Carrington Wharf

Try your luck under the bridge in Carrington! You can throw in a line off the marina or from the wharf, which is under the traffic bridge, and fish for bream, flathead and the occasional toad. The track is used by lots of bike riders so make sure to set up safely out of the way.

Honeysuckle Wharf

Honeysuckle Wharf is in the middle of Newcastle city and has views all the way out to Nobby’s Lighthouse. You may have a few snags fishing from the main wharf and the drop to the water is quite high but it’s an easy option for the kids and they might catch a Tailor, Bream or Whiting. You could also check out the nautical themed Honeysuckle Park while you’re in the area.

Green Point Reserve and Jetty

Green Point is a beautiful spot nestled in amongst the bush beside the Lake. You can choose to fish from the long jetty or from the beach and if the kids want to wade in and play in the shallow water, it’s good for that as well. If you’re lucky, they may catch a Flathead, Bream or Snapper.

Wangi Wangi

Why not take a little fishing trip to the calm waters of Wangi Wangi in Western Lake Macquarie. This is a safe waterway with plenty of spots to explore with the kids. Wangi has great views back over to Swansea and bait is available at the nearby Wangi Point Holiday Park. Flathead, tailor and bream can be found in these waters and Pebbly Beach is another lovely spot where the kids can have a dip afterwards. Nearby Fishing Point and Coal Point are kid-friendly fishing spots to explore on your next trip!    

Why not give these spots a try as well:

  • Shoal Bay Jetty
  • Nelson Bay Jetty
  • Warners Bay Jetty
  • Tea Gardens riverbank
  • Hawks Nest pontoon
  • Speers Point Jetty
  • Belmont Jetty
  • Booragul Jetty and Foreshore Reserve
  • Woy Woy Wharf Jetty
  • Gosford Fishing Jetty Public Wharf and waterfront
  • Budgewoi Footbridge and Dunkey Island
  • Long Jetty Fishing Jetty Wharf


Staff Profile: Meet Ella Weinzerl


Case Worker, Fostering and Permanency

What are you most excited about in relation to your job this year?
As I am new to the role, I am excited to keep learning more about my kids and becoming a person they can trust and confide in. I have an amazing case load and want to do my best to help them all, to the best of my abilities.

What is one important skill every person should have?
There's nothing more important than communication. I aim to have regular calls with all of the people involved in my kids lives, as I believe that's the best way to get everyone's opinions and give help where it's needed. I love when my carers send photos of the kids and I can see their happy faces!

Who is your hero and why?
Probably my Mum, she's a powerful, awesome woman who always told me I could do anything I set my mind to. She's definitely given me her work ethic!

Tell us your favourite hobby/pastime?
My favourite place is the beach, so I will spend my time doing anything there. Swimming, playing with the dog, surfing, reading books, going for walks, eating hot chips with friends or family.

What’s your favourite food?
Anything brunch related. I love going out for breakfast with friends or family on the weekends and eating all the breakfast foods... Most importantly coffee.

Please recommend a movie, tv show, book, performer, and restaurant for the readers.
A great movie is Hunt for the Wilderpeople.                                                                A TV show that never gets old is Brooklyn 99.
A book I couldn't put down was Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller.
A performer who was awesome live is Stella Donnelly.
A great restaurant for Thai food is Benjamin's Thai on Darby Street.

What is your favourite random fact?
High heels were originally worn by men!_______________________________________________________________________

My Forever Family Events

SEP 6 – 10am | Online: Understanding children who’ve been exposed to domestic and family violence

Understanding how the exposure to domestic and family violence has impacted a child can assist in identifying behaviours and strategies to assist the child’s development.

SEP 7 – 7.30pm to 8.30pm | Online: Catch up for a Cuppa with Kylie Anderson

The sessions are an open forum where discussion, questions, comments, and the sharing of experiences is encouraged

SEP 14 – 10am | Online: Ask an expert - Jane Aronson

Dr Aronson is Director of International Paediatric Health Services, in New York City; a champion for the well-being of children, and she’s here to help our carers and parents!

SEP 15 – 10am to 2pm | CESSNOCK: Relative and Kinship Care

This training session aims to provide a space for relative and kinship carers to explore those challenges and discuss strategies for managing life as a kinship carer. 

SEP 16 – 9.30am to 2pm | Online: Supporting Positive Cultural Identity

This workshop is designed to support kinship and foster carers to support children and young people in their care from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds to maintain and continue to develop a positive cultural identity. 

SEP 20– 10am | Online: Understanding Foetal Alcohol Spectrum (FASD)

Learn more about FASD which is the diagnosis of lifelong physical or neurodevelopment abnormalities that result from foetal alcohol exposure.

SEP 23 – 10am to 2pm | CESSNOCK: Children in Care and Sexualised Behaviours

This in-person training aims to equip carers to recognise and respond as necessary to sexualised behaviours when caring for children.

For more information please contact:


Want Oranges for a reasonable price? Go fruit picking with your kids at Cedar Farm, Dooralong

Cedar farm has 15 acres of orchards that are mostly navel oranges. They are farm fresh and not sprayed with any chemicals. When you get there, you might be greeted by the owner Jack and his dog. He’ll offer you a sample of the oranges you’ll be picking and offer you the use of a Picking Stick, a stick with two nails at the top. This will help you pick oranges at the top of the tree. 

There are wide paths so you can bring strollers and wheelchairs. Cedar farm will be open every weekend from 10am to 4pm until mid-September. You will need to bring your own sturdy bags to put the oranges in and once you’re done, you simply take your bags to be weighed. This year the price is $1.75/kilo and there are lemons and local honey for purchase as well.

Cedar farm’s address is 48 Dittons Road, Dooralong. Check out their Facebook page for the latest updates. Cash and Eftpos are accepted.


Book Review - Frequently Asked Questions About the Universe

Looking for something new to read?Another interesting suggestion from our book reviewer, Scott Handlin.

On a whim I borrowed Frequently Asked Questions About The Universe from my local library without even looking at the contents page. To my surprise this has been a really great read. Little did I know that the authors Jorge Cham and Daniel Whiteson have an established podcast on iHeartMedia called Daniel and Jorge Explain The Universe and this book was written to address reoccurring questions from their listeners. Being a science fiction fan I revelled in “Why can’t I travel back in time?” and “What is stopping us travelling to the stars?” but I do not believe you need to be a sci-fi fan to enjoy this book. 

This book is for the enquiring mind of teenagers and adults out there who want serious scientific questions answered about black holes, the multiverse, teleportation, whether we live in a computer simulation, and can we terraform Mars in simple to easy understand terms for those of us who do not hold PhD’s in Physics and Mechanical Engineering like the authors. If you like or have children from 13+ who are into the Marvel cinematic universe, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dr Who just to name a few, you will definitely engage with and get something out of this book. So, if you are caring for a teenager who is not academic this book is still for them too.

20 really interesting and thought provoking questions answered complete with funny cartoons to keep it light-hearted and entertaining. If I were to have any criticism of this book it would be their answer to “Where is the Centre of the Universe?” as well, no spoilers here. You are going to have to pick up a copy yourself from all major outlets and most local libraries and read the answer yourself.