Allambi Internal Blog

Celebrating Success

Written by Allambi | Mar 8, 2021 11:13:42 PM

Taylor's story


We absolutely love it when our staff approach us wanting to tell us about the achievements of the young people they work with. Youth Worker, Ann Jenkins  (pictured) and Brittany Thomsen (pictured) state that they have loved watching Taylor grow into an incredible young woman. We caught up with Brittany, who has worked with Taylor for a number of years, to get an insight into Taylor’s achievements.

I have had the privilege of working with Taylor for 6 years. Throughout this time I have watched Taylor manage and overcome many of life’s challenges. Throughout this time we have laughed (not afraid to admit - cried) and grown. Taylor has achieved things in her adult life that many haven’t as a 23 year old. This includes, barista and first aid certificate, certificate 3 & 4 in community services, partially completed diploma, her licence and part-time employment. I remember the day Taylor completed her learner licence test and I think the people there to support her were more nervous than what she was. Now Taylor has her own car and licence. Most recently, Taylor independently applied for a position at Wests Leagues Club.  Taylor initially applied for a different role, however during the interview she was questioned why she wouldn’t apply for a hospitality position given she had the experience and confidence required. As of February 2021, Taylor is the latest and greatest employee of the Wests Group. 

Throughout my experiences with Taylor, her sheer determination and strength has been something that has inspired me. Taylor is someone who has handled life adversity with a strong and courageous attitude. Although the major achievements in Taylor’s life are something to be admired, I believe her acts of kindness in every day settings are exceptional. Taylor volunteers with other AC clients on outings and camps where she is often mistaken for being an employee. Taylor recently attended a mentoring client's home and cleaned it because they were having a tough time themselves. During this conversation Taylor said “a clean house can help make you feel better sometimes.” Taylor is working on a personal goal of purchasing an item of luggage and filling it with age appropriate items for children/young adults transitioning throughout foster care. Taylor has said she would like to complete this for every age group leading up to 18. When shopping recently Taylor noticed an elderly man who appeared lost within the shopping centre. Taylor and her team member then took it upon themselves to help the gentleman eventually find his wife, followed by helping them to arrange a taxi home. All of these instances have been shared with the outmost compassion and empathy. Events such as these are not abnormal for Taylor and appear to come naturally. 

I know there are times when Taylor hasn’t felt worthy of deserving recognition for her kind efforts. But I can speak for everyone who knows her when I say we are extremely proud of the kind hearted person she is. I know there are big, big things in her future!”